Short Films Alam Lain (100% Horror Indonesia)

The film lasts 14 minutes, tells the story of a live event held by a private TV station. Where the core of this program is to go to any old houses in Jakarta, with a group of young actors who have passed the selection of the episode2 before, this time they went to an old house that is supposedly said to house the sacred or haunted. In each episode of the show, they go home always succeed and survive in completing the mission of the event, but not this time. They go home this time was uninhabited and there are spirits in it,

how the end of the show aired live show that is, if they survived ...

Watch this movie and be prepared to be surprised at every scene ..
and do not forget to Subscribe Channel Short Films this and look forward to the next, Stay Tune.

Producer: Fadly Jackson & Black White Pictures
Director: Akhmad Faisal

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