Mustafa Tamimi face Shot of Distance Five Metres of An Israeli army jeep

MUSTAFA Tamimi, 28, stand in the Israeli army vehicle. Tangaannya stone clenched tightly. When he threw the stone, the Israeli army vehicle was getting close, and the Israeli army, with the cold shot. Mustafa was shot from a close distance. Very close to even. Mustafa was shot in the face.
The incident occurred in 2011 in Nabi Saleh, West Bank. Mustafa shooting photographs newly revealed now. Mustafa would have been martyred. What about the Israeli army shot him ?
The Israeli army, according to the BBC on Friday (12/06/2013) yesterday freeing the soldier. Human rights groups said the soldier had violated the rules, but an internal investigation said, "no one who saw at the scene". The Israeli army also not criminally liable as well.
The investigation was of course rejected by Tamimi brother, Louai. He claimed to have never been asked by investigators though witnessed the incident.
Failure Investigation
Louai said he was standing next to his brother when throwing stones, about four or five meters from an Israeli army jeep car when the soldiers opened fire.
"When the soldiers fired tear gas, there is no doubt that he saw us, and he shot my brother immediately," he told Reuters news agency.
Photos taken at the time showed Tamimi headed for vehicles, tear gas emerged from the back door of the car, and a second later Tamimi collapsed to the ground, clutching his face.Israeli army spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said the death was a "tragedy of the individual, with terrible results". "But the soldiers involved in operation within their area of ​​responsibility," belanya.
"Tamimi put himself in a state of unnecessary risk, unfortunately it resulted in his death," he added.
Lt. Col. Lerner also said Palestinian witnesses refused to testify.
However, the Israeli human rights group, B'Tselem, said the Israeli military action was not in accordance with their own rules governing the matter of tear gas. The group said that the military rules prohibit firing tear gas directly at people. B'Tselem said the shooting was well documented and the fact that it took two years to decide clearly demonstrate the failure of the military investigation system.
"In such circumstances, only a matter of time before one more unarmed Palestinian civilians killed in this way. For Palestinians in the West Bank, this decision is a clear message that they can not expect justice from the legal system of Israel. "

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